Find If Someone Has Read Your WhatsApp Message

The Read Receipts feature in WhatsApp allows you to confirm whether your message has been read by your recipient. However, some users turn prefer to keep Read Receipts disabled in their WhatsApp account, in order to prevent others from knowing whether or not they have read messages. While it is good to respect the privacy of your WhatsApp Contacts, sometimes you may come across a desperate or a valid reason to somehow find out whether your WhatsApp Messages are being read by a particular Contact of yours. In such cases, you may be justified in using the workaround as described below to find if your WhatsApp Message has been read, even if this Contact of yours had turned OFF Read Receipts.

Steps to Find If Someone Has Read Your WhatsApp Message

Follow the steps below to find if someone has read your WhatsApp message, even if they have turned off read receipts.

  1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone or Android Phone
  2. Send a WhatsApp Voice Message to this Contact of yours
  3. After sending the Voice Message, keep monitoring the Tick Marks.

If your WhatsApp Contact checks your Voice Message and plays it, you will immediately see the Ticks turning blue, clearly indicating that your Message was viewed by your Contact. This more or less confirms that your Contact has been reading your other WhatsApp Messages as well. Depending on your situation, you can decide whether or not it is worth communicating with this Contact or you may want to try other methods of getting in touch with this Contact. Also it is worth mentioning that Read Receipts cannot be disabled for group chats. This means that you can try adding this Contact of yours to a Group Chat in WhatsApp. In case your Contact accepts your Group Chat request, you will be able to know whether your messages are being read.

How to Find Who Has Read Your WhatsApp Group Message How to View WhatsApp Messages Without Opening or Notifying Sender Find if Someone Has Read Your WhatsApp Message   Even if Read Receipts Are Turned OFF - 79Find if Someone Has Read Your WhatsApp Message   Even if Read Receipts Are Turned OFF - 43